Astec Roofing

Seal your commercial roof with Just Quality Construction and Astec Roofing

ASTEC Metal Roofing Coating

  1. Prepare Surface Ensure the roof’s stability by tightening or replacing any loose fasteners. Eliminate scaling rust and achieve a clean, robust roof surface through a thorough pressure wash.
  2. Encapsulate Corrosion as Needed Halt metal roof corrosion effectively by applying ASTEC B-16-71 Rust Control, a specially formulated solution designed to neutralize and prevent further corrosion.
  3. Seal Fasteners Create a watertight seal by encapsulating each fastener with ASTEC WPM #9 fluid membrane, ensuring enhanced protection and durability.
  4. Seal Seams & Flashings Strengthen all seams, flashings, and penetrations with high tensile strength fabric saturated with ASTEC WPM #9 fluid membrane, or opt for the WPM #10 fiber-reinforced fluid membrane.
  5. Apply First Layer Begin the coating process by applying the first layer of either ASTEC #900 Ceramic Finish or ASTEC #2000 Finish, providing a tough and weatherproof membrane.
  6. Apply Final Layer Achieve a seamless, highly reflective “cool roof” with exceptional durability, weather resistance, and flexibility by applying the second layer of either ASTEC #900 or ASTEC #2000 Re-Ply finish. ASTEC roofs have demonstrated outstanding performance over hundreds of millions of square feet, proving their resilience against various airborne corrosives.

ASTEC Roofing Coating

  1. Prepare Surface Begin by pressure washing the existing surface to remove any loose material. Additionally, address any issues with the substrate, blisters, and cracks, ensuring they are properly repaired.
  2. Seal Seams Reinforce all roof, vent, duct, and flashing seams and laps using high tensile strength polyester cloth. Saturate these areas with the suitable ASTEC Base Sealer for added protection.
  3. Prime and Seal Surface Apply one or more layers of the appropriate ASTEC Base Sealer. This bonding sealer will act as a fluid, effectively filling all cracks and curing into a seamless and pliable membrane, providing comprehensive coverage over the entire roof.
  4. Apply First Layer Proceed to apply the initial layer of ASTEC #2000 Re-Ply Finish. This layer will bond seamlessly with the ASTEC Base Sealer, creating a robust and waterproof membrane.
  5. Apply Final Layer Apply a second coating of ASTEC #2000 Re-Ply finish to the roof, resulting in a seamless and highly reflective “cool roof.” This final layer ensures the roof’s durability, weatherproofing, and flexibility. Furthermore, ASTEC roofs have demonstrated exceptional performance over millions of square feet, proving their resilience against numerous airborne corrosive elements.

Single-Ply Roofing Systems

  1. Prepare Surface Start by pressure washing the old roof surface to remove any loose material and address any necessary repairs to the substrate, blisters, and cracks. Additionally, ensure all rubber surfaces are cleaned using EPDM rinseable primer.
  2. Seal Seams Strengthen all roof, vent, duct, and flashing seams and laps with either high tensile strength fabric or BBT Butyl-back tape. Saturate these areas with ASTEC Base Sealer #2000 for optimum protection.
  3. Prime and Seal Surface Flow one or two layers of ASTEC Base Sealer #2000 for Rubber, allowing the bonding sealer to fill all cracks and form a seamless, pliable membrane that covers the entire roof, providing a robust protective layer.
  4. Apply Core Layer Apply the first layer of ASTEC Re-Ply #2000 Finish Layer, allowing it to bond effectively with the ASTEC Re-Ply Base Sealer #2000, creating a solid core base for the final surface.
  5. Apply Surface Layer Complete the process by flowing on the final ASTEC Re-Ply #2000 Finish layer. This new surface will feature a seamless, titanium white ply, offering highly reflective roofing that is waterproof, pliable, and virtually impervious to airborne corrosives, withstanding hostile environmental conditions for years to come.

We have many more fluid-applied coatings and systems. Our Authorized Contractors have converted a broad variety of failing substrates to ASTEC® Re-Ply™ roofing with RENEWABLE™ Warranties, including:

  • All metal & pre-painted metal roofs
  • TPO, PVC, EPDM & Hypalon single-ply roofs
  • seamed roofing
  • BUR, cap sheet, and other bituminous/asphalt roofs
  • concrete
  • SPUF foam, Transite, and cementitious roof panels
  • flat, sloped, domed, and free-form roofs

Before rushing to dispose of your current roof and spending unnecessary funds on a replacement, we urge you to seek a professional assessment of your specific roof situation. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover the ASTEC® Re-Ply™ System, which can not only save your roof and your budget but also contribute to environmental conservation.

Industrial Coatings

ASTEC® Re-Ply™ Roofing Systems Advantages
Discover the advantages the new ASTEC Re-Ply elastomeric surface brings to any preserved roof substrate:

  • Installation Savings up to 50% or More
  • ASTEC Ceramic Technology
  • A UV Solar Shield
  • Seamless Wind and Weather Protection
  • A Corrosion Barrier
  • All-climate Stability
  • Reduces Thermal Shock Damage
  • The ASTEC® RENEWABLE™ Warranty